The Alpha Gate: Slash and gen Stargate: SG-1 fanfiction archive, complete with separate "Meridian fixit" section.
Wraithbait: Very cool cross-genre Stargate Atlantis fanfiction archive.
EntSTCommunity: Home of the Warp 5 Complex, biggest single archive of Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction anywhere, ever!!
Stargatefan: Gen Stargate: SG-1 fanfiction, plus a ton of other resources (inc. screencaps and sounds, reference resources etc.)
Fanfiction.Net: Multi-fandom cross-genre fanfiction archive, ratings G through to R. My account can be found here.
Kawoosh: Stargate: SG-1 music videos resource. Very user-friendly ;)
StargateCaps: Exactly what it says on the tin; virtually up-to-date screencaps for both Stargate TV shows.
Added fun and excitement for all the family...
The Beehive: Website owned by Exploded Pen, a good friend of mine. Amongst her fanfiction and pictures, I've got her hooked on making
icons, so check them out!!
At Home With Nerina Pallot: Official website of one of my favourite artists from the last year. Amongst other things, there's news and tour dates plus
a "civilians' corner" and a forum.